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                 w w w . L a u r i e D e l k . c o m


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 CD Cover of "I Won't Let it be in Vain", Click to Order

"I Won't Let it be in Vain"

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Congratulations to Laurie for receiving an Honor Award in the 2003 Great American Song Contest for her song "Teflon Mister"  Congratulations to Laurie for receiving Honorable Mention in the VH-1 Song of the Year contest for "I Won't Let It Be In Vain." Congratulations to Laurie for being named a "Suggested Artist" in the VH-1 Song of the Year contest for "There Was A Time." Congratulations to Laurie for receiving Honorable Mention in the Billboard World Song Contest  for both "Decoy!" and "Teflon Mister." 
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CD Cover of "I Won't Let it be in Vain", Click to Order
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"I Won't Let it be in Vain"
Laurie Delk © 2002
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